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Dumping your data

The dump command has the following structure:

sprout dump [--config=<path>] [--group=<group>] [<schema>[:<table>,...]] ...

This will dump the contents of a table to a related file in the specified group as a collection of sql insert statements.

Output File

This is an example of the output from the dump command:

INSERT INTO `country`
(`id`, `country_code`, `country_code_iso2`, `country_code_iso3`, `name`, `decimal_point`, `thousands_separator`, `added`, `updated`, `deleted`) VALUES
(1,'AF','AF','AFG','Afghanistan','.',',','2012-09-20 12:43:09','2015-10-07 11:05:58',NULL),
(2,'AX','AX','ALA','Aland Islands','.',',','2012-09-20 12:43:09','2015-10-07 11:05:58',NULL),
(3,'AL','AL','ALB','Albania','.',',','2012-09-20 12:43:09','2015-10-07 11:05:58',NULL),
(4,'DZ','DZ','DZA','Algeria','.',',','2012-09-20 12:43:09','2015-10-07 11:05:58',NULL);

It puts each row on a separate line to help with storing the data in your code repository and seeing what has changed over time.

Configuration file

The optional --config option allows you specify the configuration file to use. By default it will look for a file called config/sprout.yml. The location is relative to the working directory. Within docker this is /app.

Schema and Table configuration

All commands make use of the same Schema and Tables parsing.

The [<schema>[:<table>,...]] ... part of the command line allows you to specify none or some schemas, each schema with a set of tables or not.

If no schema is defined, all the schemas and tables in a group will be dumped. If no tables are defined for a schema, all tables previously dumped will be used.

Dumping all the files from a schema

sprout dump schema1

This will over-write all the existing dumps from schema1 for the default group.

You can dump multiple schemas:

sprout dump schema1 schema2

Dumping specific tables

If you only want to dump a set of specific tables (most likely scenario) you can specify them as a comma separated list after the schema they apply to.

sprout dump schema1:table1,table2

You can also specify multiple schemas, each with their own set of tables

sprout dump schema1:table1,table2 schema2:table3


The optional --group option allows you to specify which group the following dump will belong to. If this is not supplied it will use the default value as defined in the configuration file.

See Creating grouped seed data for more information on how to dump data into groups.

sprout dump --group=testing schema1 schema2:table1,table2