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🌱 Sprout

Sprout is a tool to help you Populate your databases with seed data.

It's core method is by using .sql files that can be committed and diffed by your code repository.

It can:

  1. Seed sql data from local files
  2. Dump data from mysql tables
  3. Chop (truncate) data in mysql tables
  4. Performs actions in parallel
  5. Handle multiple groups of seed data (for example, static, core, testing)

Quick Start

Getting Sprout

You can get sprout in the following ways:

  1. composer to grab the application using PHP's composer
  2. docker to run sprout without installing it locally


You will need a configuration file to tell sprout how to talk to your databases.

Populate your seed data

You can group your seed data depending on its purpose. For example: static, operational and development.

Ensure your database is populated with your seed data and run the following command:

sprout dump --config=/path/to/config.yml --group=group1 schema:table1,table2,... schema2:table3,... ...

This will create a set of .sql files locally containing the data in your database.

Seed your data

You can now seed your data using the local files.

sprout seed --config=/path/to/config.yml --group=group1

If you do not need to truncate your tables first, use the --no-chop option.

sprout seed --config=/path/to/config.yml --no-chop --group=group1